IMPACT World+ v2.1 is now available

CIRAIG is thrilled to announce the release of IMPACT World+ v2.1, marking one of the most significant update to the method in many years. This new version features the addition of new impact categories and significant enhancements to existing indicators.

CIRAIG is thrilled to announce the release of IMPACT World+ v2.1!

IMPACT World+ is a globally regionalized life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method developed at CIRAIG in collaboration with the DTU – Technical University of Denmark.

This new version features new indicators measuring the physical impact of plastics on biota as well as fisheries impact, making IMPACT World+ the first major impact assessment method offering an environmental impact category for plastic emissions and for the impacts of fishing. Two biogenic greenhouse gas accounting approaches for climate change impact are now available, and many other indicators have been updated.

💻 A webinar presenting version 2.1 will be offered shortly.

IMPACT World+ Version 2.1 is available for download on our website as files directly usable in the main LCA software (openLCA, SimaPro, brightway2) or with databases (ecoinvent, Exiobase). Version 2.1 Footprint is also available by default in the latest released ecoinvent v3.11.

We invite you to explore and integrate these updates into your scientific endeavors!

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Le CIRAIG vous adresse ses meilleurs vœux

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