
Regioinvent is a Python module that connects ecoinvent to an international trade database (BACI) to ultimately achieve a complete regionalization of the ecoinvent database.

Regioinvent is a Python module that connects ecoinvent to an international trade data (BACI) to ultimately achieve a complete regionalization of the ecoinvent database. Doing so enhances supply chain modeling within ecoinvent. For instance, RER and GLO processes are replaced with country-specific processes (e.g., Vietnam, Chile, Qatar). The regionalization focuses on three economic flows: electricity, heat and municipal solid waste. Each created and updated process uses the corresponding electricity, heat and municipal solid waste existing processes in ecoinvent for its geography. In addition, consumption markets are created based on international trade and national production volume to represent the real-world supply distribution of commodities. These consumption markets are then reconnected to the whole database to further enhance the regionalization. Finally, relevant elementary flows (water, land, acidification, eutrophication, PM and photochemical ozone formation) are spatialized (i.e.: they are given a geography) to allow the use of regionalized LCIA methods that take this information into account for assessment. Regionalized LCIA methods are packaged within regioinvent to allow for complete regionalized LCAs.

Example of a process regionalized by regioinvent

Regioinvent is a completely free and open-source project. An ecoinvent license is needed to access the ecoinvent database. You can access the code, and the instructions and the methodology directly on GitHub. This project will have regular updates, improving methodological aspects and being compatible with more ecoinvent version and LCIA methods.

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