Anne-Marie Boulay

General Director, Professor

Polytechnique Montreal
« J’aborde ce rôle avec enthousiasme et un profond sens des responsabilités. Je suis honorée de diriger la merveilleuse équipe du CIRAIG vers un avenir qui présente des défis et des opportunités accrus, et j’ai hâte de continuer à bâtir l’excellence et la pertinence en développant l’aide à la décision en matière de développement durable. »

Prof. Anne-Marie Boulay is professor at Polytechnique Montreal and General Director of the International Research Consortium of Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainable Transition of the CIRAIG.

She obtained her Ph.D. in 2013 on the assessment of water use impacts in LCA and received the SETAC Europe Young Scientist Award for this work in 2014. She coordinated the WULCA working group to build consensus into achieving a harmonized method for assessing water use in LCA (the AWARE method) and is a co-founder and co-chair of the MarILCA (Marine Impacts in LCA) international working group supported by UNEP Life Cycle Initiative and FSLCI, leading the development of metrics to assess impacts for plastic emissions in the environment.

She holds the Canadian Research Chair level 2 on Impacts of plastic in the environment and received, in 2023, the ACLCA Leadership Award.

Anne-Marie Boulay's Publications

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