Pablo Tirado-Seco


Polytechnique Montreal
Pablo Tirado-Seco

Pablo Tirado joined the CIRAIG team as an analyst at the end of September 2007. He holds a diploma in environmental sciences from the University of Alcalá, in Spain, and completed his Masters degree in environmental natural sciences at the Geneva University in Switzerland. His research work, under the supervision of Professor Olivier Jolliet of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), was conducted on integrate midpoints to the IMPACT 2002+ life cycle impact assessment method. Pablo Tirado also contributed as a consultant on several life cycle assessment projects for SETEMIP-Environnement in France. As an LCA analyst in CIRAIG, he has contributed to different LCA studies, with a special focus on energy, electricity and water footprint related projects.

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