Rossana Borges Teixeira is a Food Engineer (Universidade Federal de Viçosa/UFV – Brazil), Master in Biotechnology (Universidade de São Paulo/USP – Brazil), also Occupational health and safety Engineer.
She was captured by the sustainability challenge when working to a global beer company. The main issue that captured her is the lack of sewage treatment in Brazil, which made her chose the Wastewater treatment as the subject of her post-graduate studies.
As a Ph.D. candidate at Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp – Brazil), Rossana develops her research in CIRAIG about the estimation of environmental impacts related to wastewater treatment plants in Brazil, using regionalized inventory and regionalized methods of assessment. The aim is to point out the system of treatment with the less environmental impact on each region of Brazil.
At the CIRAIG, Rossana is part of the Research Theme 1 – “Consolidation and improvement of LCA methods”.

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