Regioinvent is a Python module that connects ecoinvent to an international trade database (BACI) to ultimately achieve a complete regionalization of the ecoinvent database.
- Tool
The CIRAIG has been involved in international collaborative projects contributing to the development and advancement of LCA methodology since 2001.
Some of these key projects led to practical tools such as Open IO Canada and DynCO2, used by many LCA practitioners around the world. Other key projects led to international consensus on methodology, such as the Water Use in LCA (WULCA) project.
Finally, our key projects also aim to consistently improve data quality in life cycle inventory databases, such as the Quebec LCI Database project, and to improve the impact assessment phase of LCA with regionalization , such as Impact WORLD+.
Regioinvent is a Python module that connects ecoinvent to an international trade database (BACI) to ultimately achieve a complete regionalization of the ecoinvent database.
IMPACT World+ is a globally regionalized method for life cycle impact assessment (LCIA).
Open source Input-Output LCA model and tool to estimate life cycle impacts of products and services
These inventory datasets are essential for calculating the carbon footprint of an individual’s consumption in Quebec.
A database containing information about 17 OECD jurisdictions using and promoting life cycle approaches in their public policies.
A group project on the assessment of use and depletion of water resources within LCA
Adapting one of the largest LCA databases in the world, ecoinvent, to the Quebec and Canadian context.
A dynamic LCA software tool used to calculate temporal carbon footprinting
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