
The Circularity Gap Report: Quebec

The CIRAIG participated in the scientific committee for the Circularity Gap Report for Quebec project.

The CIRAIG participated in the scientific committee for the Circularity Gap Report for Quebec project. RECYC-QUÉBEC collaborated with Circle Economy to produce the first Quebec Circularity Gap Report, which aims to provide a baseline analysis of how circular the Quebec economy is today.         This rigorous analysis aims to do the following:
  1. Apply existing global metrics on circularity to the Quebec economy to produce the first baseline for measuring progress
  2. Identify the essential levers for ensuring the transition to circularity in Quebec as well as the systemic barriers to this transition
  3. Inspire a cross-sectoral group of stakeholders from academia, business, NGOs and government to contribute to a more accurate picture of circularity in the Quebec economy

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