Cécile Bulle is a professor of sustainable development strategy in the social and environmental responsibility department of the school of management sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal (ESG-UQÀM). She obtained her Ph.D. in chemical engineering at Polytechnique Montréal in 2007. She is co-holder of the International Chair on Life Cycle, the main research unit of CIRAIG, the International Reference Center on Life Cycle of products, processes and services, which is one of the most recognized research centers in the world in life cycle analysis.

Her research interests are sustainable real estate, modeling the impact of the life cycle, in particular the toxic impacts of metals, the depletion of resources and the use of water and the operationalization of the Cycle Analysis. community life (sustainable neighborhoods, etc.) and individuals. She teaches life cycle analysis, sustainable building management, sustainable real estate and corporate social responsibility. She is currently leading the IMPACT World + project, a major project involving several research teams around the world to develop the very first method for assessing the impacts of the regionalized life cycle.

She is the author of forty-seven scientific articles published in international journals and more than one hundred and fifty communications in international symposia. She has also participated in several life cycle working groups, notably under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), acts as reviewer for ten scientific journals and has participated in supervision of around forty master’s and doctoral students.

Cécile Bulle's Publications

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