Manuele Margni

Manuele Margni is full Professor in the Mathematical and Industrial Engineering department at Polytechnique Montréal and co-holder of the International Life Cycle Chair at the CIRAIG, which has the support of nine international industrial partners. He is an internationally recognized expert in Life Cycle Assessment, environmental modelling and the development of sustainability metrics with an extensive working experience with industry.

With a background in environmental engineering (ETH, Zürich) and management (EPFL, Lausanne) he obtained his Ph.D. in 2003 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) Lausanne with a thesis modelling the exposure of toxic emissions for life cycle impact assessment. He is steering committee member of the UNEP Life Cycle Initiative, the Life Cycle Management conference series, and actively involved in several scientific and normalization committee. He’s teaching sustainable manufacturing, life cycle assessment and environmental modeling.

Author of more than 90 scientific peer reviewed publications, he has been involved in as many LCA applications for industry and government. Parallel to his research activities Manuele gained a considerable experience working together with industry co-founding two companies: Ecointesys and Quantis International, this latter being a spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, where he still retains a key advisory role.

Manuele Margni's Publications

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