Understand, quantify and valorize the Carbon Footprint

In order to meet the challenge of climate change, companies will need to create low-carbon products and services and reduce the carbon footprint of their operations. This training aims to highlight exactly what the carbon footprint is, how to measure it and its role in the fight against climate change.

Training objectives

  • Understand the importance of measuring the carbon footprint of human activities
  • Know and understand the main tools for measuring the carbon footprint
  • Understand the process of calculating the carbon footprint
  • Interpret the results of a carbon footprint and understand the key parameters

What you'll learn

In order to meet the challenge of climate change, companies will need to create low-carbon products and services and reduce the carbon footprint of their operations. This training aims to highlight exactly what the carbon footprint is, how to measure it and its role in the fight against climate change.

For whom is this training?

  • Managers wishing to sharpen their understanding of the strategic role of the carbon footprint
  • Practitioners wishing to hone their practical skills in measuring carbon footprints


Regular price

320 $ CAD / personne + taxes

Reduced rate for students and NGOs

240 $ CAD / personne + taxes


Pablo Tirado-Seco

Pablo has contributed to many LCA studies, with a special focus on energy, electricity and water footprint related projects.



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